Face your allergy monster
GSK & Flonase
Allergies can be pretty scary and we are all stalked by our own allergy monsters - Flonase asked Flipside to help bring this truth to life by allowing people to visualise their allergy monster and face it down in real life. Allergies don’t need to be scary, right?
01. The impossible
Raise awareness of Flonase by allowing allergy-sufferers to visualise the allergy monsters that ail them.
02. Done.
Working with Aardman Animations, Flipside created a fun, interactive digital experience for allergy sufferers, allowing them to add their symptoms and create their very own allergy monster. Then, we put an exciting twist on the digital interaction – users could create their allergy monster as an Augmented Reality experience allowing them to face their allergy monster in real life.

Let’s talk
Want to chat with us about your mobile, web or digital ideas?
Call us on 0203 816 0293 or fill in the contact form below.